Monday 8 February 2016

My Valentine's Wish List

1. One of the best and worst things about being vegan, is that it’s not always easy to get hold of the junk food you want. This is bad because junk food tastes good. But also it is good because junk food is bad, so the less chocolate I can eat, the better. Anyway, I have noticed that being pregnant means I can demand almost any food I want, and Laurie will try his best to at least appear to be trying to find it for me. So, for Valentine’s Day, what I really want is one of these vegan marshmallow waggons (yeah, vegan waggon wheels, basically). So good.

2. Continuing down the theme of vegan food, there’s another treat for the tastebuds on my wishlist this year. A meal out would be totally wasted on me now, pregnancy sickness pretty much guarantees that I’d puke the whole thing back up again. But, I hate to miss an excuse for a meal at a nice vegan restaurant, so vouchers would be ideal. We went to Lolo’s, a new vegan and raw restaurant in Ramsbottom, a couple of weeks ago. The food was amazing, unfortunately I threw it all back up, so it would be lovely to go back once this damn morning sickness passes. I did manage to try one of the vegan jaffa cakes and it was amazing.

3. I’ve started thinking more about when this baby arrives, and the various things I’ll need. Luckily, we won’t need much in the way of baby things because we have plenty of stuff stuck in the loft (and some very kind friends have offered us some extra hand-me-downs). However, I would love to be able to take some nice photographs of the new baby. When Ebony was born, I was crap with my DSLR camera so all the photos are taken with a lot of flash and very little in the way of composition. Things have improved slightly over the past four years, but it’s still something I’d like to work on. I’d love something compact that could easily be used out and about, and these Panasonic Lumix DSLRs look like they would be perfect.

4. Being 13 weeks pregnant and still fighting the waves of pregnancy sickness, this isn’t going to be the most romantic wish list ever. One thing I really want, and that has nothing to do with Valentine’s Day, is a maternity pillow. I didn’t have one last time and I am forever jealous of everyone who has ever slept in such luxury. So, this time I really need one. I have no idea which one is supposed to be the best, but this Dream Genii maternity pillow looks pretty amazing.

5. Like most pregnant women, I have been dividing my time between the bed and the bath. When I am not asleep, I am sat in the bath, moaning about feeling sick. I am, truly, a joy to be around. To make those baths a little more enjoyable, I would love some new products. Lush is a personal favourite of mine, I’m a big fan of their ethics when it comes to animals, and their products smell great. I think this Ray of Sunshine gift box would be the perfect way to unwind at the end of a long nap.

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