Tuesday 7 January 2014

We like to read: I want my hat back

Every year, Ebony gets a new book for Christmas Eve. Last year it was Oh, the places you'll go by Dr Seuss. This year, a well read friend recommended I want my hat back by Jon Klassen. After she had recovered from the initial shock of a book and some pyjamas appearing on the bed by magic, "Santa! Santa book!", this story was an immediate hit. The illustrations are beautiful, the book is printed on nice, thick paper, and it's just lovely to read.

There is no 'he said, she said', the entire book is a dialogue between various characters. The illustrations fill in the blanks. It's a simple but enjoyable story, and Ebony loves joining in. She has already taken on some of the characters in the story.

Laurie has read this book every bedtime since Christmas Eve, and I imagine it shall remain in the favourites pile for a long time. Ebony loves it so much that we've ordered another book by Jon Klassen for her birthday.

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