Tuesday 8 October 2013

We like to read: Good-night Owl!

I love taking part in the we like to read series. Ebony has four full shelves of books, which is quite disgusting for a child of 20 months. In her defense though, it is my obsessive book buying that is to blame. One of my favourite things to do is to buy new books from charity shops, I especially like finding vintage books.

Good-night Owl! by Pat Hutchins
I found this book in a local charity shops for 50p. It was printed in 1975, and is still in good condition. I keep it on a high shelf so that Ebony can’t rip it or wee on it (this happened to Zog).

Good-night Owl! is a sweet book about an owl who is kept awake all day by the noisy animals around him. There are plenty of sound effects for Ebony to mimic, and plenty of animal characters to enjoy. In the end, of course, the owl wakes all the other creatures up at nighttime.

I absolutely love the illustrations, I think think the attention to detail is beautiful. Each leaf, each feature has been painted and it gives such a lovely effect. I really love reading this story to Ebony, and pointing out all of the different animals sitting in the tree.


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