Monday 1 July 2013

Blog Challenge: Great Adventure #6

For this week’s great adventure, we headed down to the local woods. In the six weeks since we discovered them, the woods have changed lots. The bluebells and ground flowers have disappeared, and there’s a lot more room for exploring. We can escape from the confines of the path, and head through the trees to investigate the previously hidden woodland.

Ebony kept wanting to touch leaves, especially the ones out of reach, so I lifted her up in the air and she squealed in delight while stroking the leaves. She found a huge stone and played fetch with herself for a while, throwing the stone and then chasing after it. We met some dogs along the way, and found out that Ebony is quite scared of yappy dogs.

This week, we went on a second great adventure too. On Friday, the weather was terrible. I took Ebony to the corner shop in the morning and on the way we passed a puddle that she insisted on splashing about in for a good 10 minutes. After her nap, I decided to take her out on a proper puddle search.

I dressed her in her puddle suit and wellies, and I wore my wellies and the husband’s coat. My coat isn’t waterproof so I left that at home this time. We walked through the estate hand in hand, and ended up on a country lane. The lane is perfect for puddles, and within minutes we’d found a huge one. Ebony stood cautiously at the edge for a minute, before setting off at full speed and sloshing through the puddle. She really enjoyed the stamping, sloshing and running in the puddles. It was raining but not too heavily so we managed to stay out for quite a while. When we got home, we had pancakes and hot chocolate (or savoury pancakes and soya milk for Ebony).

Have you been on any great adventures this week? 

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