Thursday 13 November 2014

Review & Giveaway: Freedom Mallows

I was lucky enough to review some mouth-watering Freedom Mallows at the start of the year, if you want to read me wax lyrical about the taste and texture of these sweet treats, you can do so here. When the company got in touch with me a few weeks ago and offered me a few more packets to try (just before Bonfire Night), I said yes. Obviously.

Freedom Mallows are vegan, vegetarian, lactose free, nut free, Halal, Kosher and farmed in a way that is sustainable for the indigenous unicorn population. Or something. Oh, and they taste amazing. I have tried a lot (seriously, a lot) of vegan marshmallows, and these are by far the best. They are creamy, powdery (in a good way), and taste just like the marshmallows I remember toasting on the many Bonfire Nights of my youth.

The company has rebranded, bidding a kind farewell to the cute bunny packaging of days gone by. Now, a lovable sloth, affectionately known to all his friends as Cedric, takes centre stage, and the once-pastel colours have been replaced with bright packaging more in keeping with other marshmallow packaging. The new packaging is great, a definite improvement, and yet hasn’t lost any of the important information detailing who can (pretty much everyone) eat the goodies inside. Freedom Mallows have also added miniature mallows to their product range, these are perfect for baking with. They melt faster, and are perfect atop a steaming mug of hot chocolate.

The marshmallows arrived the week of Halloween, and Ebony and I decided to make some rice krispie cakes with them. I’d seen the recipe in my Sweet Vegan book (if you don’t have this, you need to add it to your collection. You can get it for just a few pounds here), but hadn’t been able to try it yet. The mallows melted quickly, and turned into the most delicious looking sludge I’ve ever seen. Ok, eaten. The rice krispie cake themselves were nothing short of AMAZING, I only wish we’d made more.

The one thing I’ve never known a vegan mallow do, is toast properly on a fire. I’ve tried it with a few brands, and most of them simply melted slightly but became nothing more than an oozing, limp disappointment. On Bonfire Night, after successfully making a bonfire single-handed (I know, I know, pretty impressive) and not killing anyone (even more impressive), we toasted some Freedom Mallows. They melted, oh they melted. And they were creamy and they tasted amazing. We ate pretty much the entire packed before Laurie got home (let’s call it a fire starting tax), and he was left with just a few to try.

Of course, there’s a whole other packet in the cupboard, but that’s just my little secret.

Freedom Mallows can be ordered here for just £2.49 a bag, or you can pick up a bag at your local Holland and Barrett. You may also be able to find them in your local health food shop or vegan fair. If you can’t be bothered going to all that effort, fear not, because I have some to giveaway.

Freedom Mallows are very kindly offering three of my readers the chance to try these delectable treats for free. Each winner will win three bags of mallows (a mixture of the regular sized mallows and minis) and a cotton shopping bag featuring none other than Cedric the sloth. All you have to do is fill in the Rafflecopter to be in with a chance of winning. Good luck!
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