Monday 20 October 2014

The Perfect Autumn Day

I can pretty much argue that any season is my absolute favourite, given the right circumstances. And I decidedly chose not to write this post last night when the rain was pelting down, and my poor bedraggled cat appeared at the back door, but, I love autumn. When it’s dry. 

I love that crisp feeling in the evening air, and the feel of leaves scrunching under my step. I love the beautiful warm colours that fill the trees, and scatter across the fields and streets. I love digging winter clothes out of from under the stairs, and desperately trying to find my thermals. I love drinking warm tea first thing on a cool morning as I sit outside in the garden with Ebony. I love the adventures that autumn promises, and that overwhelming desire to make the most of nature before the winter chill creeps in.

This weekend, we decided to immerse ourselves in autumn, and find some fallen leaves to explore. I was visiting my university friend and her adorable new baby in Liverpool, so we decided to pay a visit to Sefton Park. I love Sefton Park, I went to uni in Liverpool and lived near to Sefton Park for a while. The ground becomes a beautiful sea of yellow daffodils in the spring, and by summer the grassy lawns make the perfect spot for some sunny revision, but it’s even better in autumn. The towering trees are lit up with colour, and fallen leaves fill the park, as squirrels rush by gathering nuts for the winter. It’s perfect, and, for once, I had a full camera battery so was able to take some photographs of Ebony playing in the leaves.

After the long car journey over to Liverpool (thanks, traffic), she couldn’t wait to stretch her legs and shot off almost as soon as she reached the ground. After a few unsuccessful attempts at befriending a squirrel, she settled for a game of hide and seek with Laurie. She searched for conkers amongst the leaves, collected acorns, threw leaves in the air and climbed every tree stump she could find. Laurie gathered together a huge pile of leaves, and Ebony had great fun running and stomping through them, kicking them high into the air as she went. She climbed rocks, leapt across stepping stones, and ran as fast as she could through the park. And, much to her delight, she discovered helicopter seeds. 

Her beautiful red coat and autumnal skirt were very kindly sent to us by House of Fraser. Isn't it the most perfect coat?