Sunday 15 September 2013

Blog Challenge: Great Adventure #17

I started this great adventure blog challenge at the end of May, so we've been pretty lucky with the weather (apart from that one time). But now, as the nights are drawing in, and the general gloom of winter starts to creep in, the weather has taken a turn. The days of strolling effortlessly through fields of buttercups and bluebells are over, and instead we shall be embarking on treacherous journeys across muddy bogs.

Yesterday was no exception, and as the hours ticked away, I knew that it was inevitable we would need wellies to embark on this week's great adventure. I decided to make the most of the weather, and spend an hour or so searching for puddles to jump in. Ebony loves jumping in puddles, so she quickly got herself into her puddle suit and wellies, and headed for the door.

I decided to head for the nearby country lane that leads to the canal, because it holds many a puddle on wet days. On route, Ebony found some puddles to jump in so the journey took a little longer than anticipated. She wanted to jump in the huge puddles in the road, and wasn't too pleased to find out that I thought standing in the road was dangerous.

Once we reached the country path, Ebony stomped about in the puddles along the road, before dashing across an empty field. She loves running, so it's great when she has the freedom to really go. She eventually came to a football pitch, and ran towards a puddle which turned out to be much deeper than it looked. I thought her whole welly must be underwater, and was expecting tears, but she seemed unperplexed, and when we arrived home, I discovered both her feet were bone dry.

Have you been on any soggy adventures this week? Please share your links in the comments below!