Monday 29 July 2013

We Like to Read: My First Book

My First Book by Jane Belk Moncure
illustrated by Kathryn Hutton

I found this book in a local charity shop last week. It's a book to help children learn to read, so is a bit advanced for Ebony, but she loves looking at the pictures all the same. We have a bookshelf filled with books in the living room, and this one keeps getting dragged out and handed to me. "Knee. Knee." she says, until I sit her on my knee and start reading.

She enjoys joining in with the book. Pointing at hers eyes when it says eye, and showing me her toy box when it says box. I love the illustrations, I think they look much older than they are (it was originally published in the 80s). Another great charity shop find.

Check out the rest of the 'we like to read' series over on Fritha's blog.

The rest of my posts about what we like to read can be found here.