Tuesday 5 February 2013

I've Been Nominated for a New Blog Award

I started this blog (well, actually my old blog but then I relocated to here) so I could have somewhere to rant. I found that emails, text messages, phone calls, in person and to strangers on buses just wasn’t enough anymore. I needed somewhere new to vent. So I set up the blog.

Then it all went a bit smushy when my daughter was born and I fell head over heels in love with her. I have actually been accused of going a bit soft since becoming a Mum. That’s a bit of a tangent, anyway.

So my blog is a strange collection of love letters to my daughter, rants about strangers, political commentaries, loosely disguised moans about people who have annoyed me, and seemingly random streams of consciousness of an over-tired Mum to an over excited one year old.

In all honesty, I can’t understand why anyone but my Mum would read it. And she probably only reads it to check I haven’t moaned about her.

I had some rather exciting news this week. My blog has been nominated for an award. And no, it’s not an award my Mum made up, and no, it wasn’t my Mum who nominated me (it was Fritha from Tigerlilly Quin. I read her blog obsessively so it was even more of an honour that the nomination came from her).

Fritha put me forward for Best New Blog at the MAD Blog Awards 2013. The way it works is that anyone (like, you) can nominate any blog (like, say, erm, this one) to win. The four blogs with the most nominations in each category (and one extra chosen by the judging panel) are put forward as finalists.

There are already a grazillion blogs up for Best New Blog, so there is not a chance in hell I can win, but I’m really pleased to have been nominated anyway. If you have a minute to spare, and fancy nominating in the awards (say, erm, for maybe this blog perhaps?), you can do so here.

Thank you! x