Friday 22 February 2013

bumGenius Review & Giveaway

Maternity leave is no picnic. A baby can require 3000 nappy changes in the first year alone. This works out at about eight a day, which I think is probably a conservative estimate because I’m sure in the early months I was changing closer to twenty.

In the UK, three billion disposable nappies end up as landfill each year. That’s eight million nappies every single day. It takes at least 200 years for a disposable nappy to decompose. That means, the baby who dirties the nappy today, will be a Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandparent by the time it decomposes.

Knowing this, there was no way I was going to use disposable nappies. I was in washable nappies as a baby, and I wanted to do the same for my baby.

I chose the bumGenius nappies because a trusted friend, who had used about three different types of washable nappies, told me they were the best. I did some research online and decided to buy a 20 pack from The Cotton Nappy Company for £285.

It is estimated that disposable nappies cost over £1000 per baby. Even when you consider the cost of washing and drying reusable nappies, you will still save hundreds of pounds. £285 may sound like a big investment, but it will last you until your baby no longer needs nappies, and, will last for many more babies after that even!

bumGenius V4 nappies grow with your baby. They are suitable from 7-35lbs (birth - approx 3 years). The adjustable poppers on the front of the nappy allow you to make the nappies longer when needed. Each nappy comes with a lightweight inner for newborns, and a larger insert for when the baby grows.

I love the look of the bumGenius nappies, they are really cute and colourful, and Ebony has always seemed really comfortable in them. There are lots of different colours available. There are no horrible chemicals in them, and they’re not plasticy like the disposables.

I usually wait until there are just three clean nappies left, and then I stick all the dirties in the wash. I put it on a 40 degree long cycle (they can withstand up to 60 degree washes) which takes about an hour and a half. I use a normal eco detergent and a spoonful of Bio D’s Nappy Fresh powder. When that’s done, I either line dry the nappies and inners or stick them in the tumble drier for fifty minutes. Job done.

The nappies are available with velcro or pop fastenings
When you’re out and about, simply put the dirty nappies in your wet nappy bag. The drawstring fastening keeps any smells inside, and when you get home you can put it straight into the dirty nappy wash.

The one problem I have encountered with the bumGenius nappies is that after about a year, the velcro has deteriorated on some (but not all) of the nappies which makes them a bit annoying to put on, especially if the baby is rolling round and crawling off at the time. The good news is, there is a solution. You can buy bumGenius refresher kits online for £1.49 and give your nappies a new lease of life. Or, to avoid this problem completely, you can buy the bumGenius V4 nappies with popper fastenings instead of velcro.

The Cotton Nappy Company have, very kindly, provided a fantastic prize for this post. One lucky reader will win a bumGenius V4 nappy (in the colour of your choice) worth £15.99, a wet nappy bag and 10 flushable liners. 

The competition closes on Friday 8 March 2013.
To be in with the chance to win this amazing price, simply fill in one/all of the below. Good luck!

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